Lita Aslanoglou
Lita Aslanoglou lives in Athens and works as a puppeteer since 2012. She has attended sketching, painting and pottery lessons and she has being trained in puppetry through workshops with Theodora Lamprinou and Stathis Markopoulos and seminars with: Stephen Mottram, Jordi Bertran , Gavin Glover, Girovago E Rondella, Rene Baker, Jean-Jacques Lemêtre (musical body), Melina Mascha (theatrical lighting), Antonia Vasilakou (mime), Gosde Atalay (theatrical clown), Antonis Koutroumpis (physical theater).
She is a founder member of Don’t Panic puppet theatre and she is collaborating with Bufos and Trishorolalato puppet theatre. She has participated in 39 international puppet and theatrical festivals in Europe and Asia.
She has collaborated with Greek National Opera for the production of the puppet opera “El Retablo de Maese Pedro”, for two theatrical seasons (2018-2019 / 2019-2020). (Production, direction, puppet construction, manipulation.)
She has worked in commercial spots with puppets and for the production of the video for the Greek puppeteers and UNIMA Greece “The Puppeteers Reintroduce themselves”. She is building puppets for puppet productions.
She is an active member and has served as president of UNIMA Greece (Greek National Centre of UNIMA- UNion International de la MArionnette) for the years 2018-19.
- 1998-2003. Drawing, painting.
- 2004-2010. Puppet construction. Ionian union. Theodora Lamprinou.
- 2007-2009. Ceramics. Pottery Museum.
- 2009-2010. Workshop "Ayusaya!", theatrical marionette. Stathis Markopoulos.
- 2012. Marionette Design and construction with Stephen Mottram. The secrets of the fundamental marionette. MAAF MarionettArt Accademia della Figura / Pinerollo.
- 2012. Workshop with Jordi Bertran. “Qui manipula a qui?”. Barcelona.
- 2015. Workshop, Video, Puppets and Objects in Performance, directed by Gavin Glover and organised by A Tarumba Teatro Marionetas. Lisbon.
- 2016. Workshop Theatrical Lighting. Melina Masha. Athens.
- 2016. Workshop di tecnica e drammaturgia with Girovago E Rondella. Vetralla, Italy.
- 2017. Workshop with Rene Baker. Corfu, Greece.
- 2017. Workshop with Stathis Markopoulos. Athens, Greece.
- 2018. Workshop "The Musical Body" with Jean-Jacques Lemêtre. Athens, Greece.
- 2022. Mime workshop with Antonia Vasilakou. Athens, Greece.
- 2022. Theatrical clown workshop “Epic Imbalance” with Gozde Atalay. Athens, Greece.
- 2022-2023. Physical theatre "The poetic body" with Antonis Koutroumpis. Athens, Greece.
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